Female Hair Transplant Turkey

Thinking about getting back your thick, lovely hair? “Female Hair Transplant Turkey” is here to help. Turkey has top-notch doctors and clinics that specialize in hair transplants for women. It’s a place where good treatment meets good value. If you’re dealing with hair loss, consider coming to Turkey. The skilled teams here offer affordable care to help you get your hair, and confidence, back.

Female hair transplant cost

The cost of female hair transplant in Turkey is 1800 euros. The price includes accommodation, transfers, and the lotion and shampoo provided after the procedure. These prices are valid for the year 2024. For more detailed information, you can contact us via our WhatsApp lines.

What is female hair transplant

Female hair transplant is a process where hair follicles from a donor area (typically the back or sides of the head) are moved to areas experiencing hair loss. It begins with a consultation to ensure suitability. Harvested follicles are transplanted into balding areas, grow over time, and are checked in follow-up appointments. This procedure, also popular in Turkey due to quality and cost, helps women with hair loss regain a fuller head of hair.

Why Get a Female Hair Transplant?

  • Natural Look: Hair transplants look real because they are real. Your own hair moves from a fuller area to a thin or bald area.
  • Lasting Solution: This isn’t a short-term fix. Transplants offer a lasting or even permanent solution to hair loss.
  • Feel Better: Losing hair can be hard. Getting it back can make you feel good about how you look.
  • Look Younger: More hair can help you look younger and healthier.
  • Safe: Hair transplants are safe when done by experts. They have a good success rate.
  • Easy Care: The new hair is easy to take care of, just like your regular hair.
  • Save Money Over Time: Hair transplants can save you money in the long run compared to other treatments.

It’s good to talk to a hair expert to see if a hair transplant is right for you.


The preparation for a hair transplant involves several steps to ensure a successful procedure. Initially, a consultation with a specialist is crucial to assess the hair loss and discuss expectations. The specialist will provide instructions on what to do before the surgery. This might include avoiding certain medications and alcohol, and washing the hair and scalp. On the day of the procedure, the scalp is cleaned, and local anesthesia is applied to minimize discomfort. The specialist then proceeds with the extraction of hair follicles from the donor area. Preparing both the donor and recipient areas is critical to facilitate the transplantation and promote healing. Throughout the preparation phase, clear communication between the specialist and the patient is key to address any concerns and ensure a smooth process.

How Do Hair Transplants Work?

Hair transplants work by moving hair from a part of your body with plenty of hair to an area with thinning or no hair. Here’s a simplified step-by-step guide on how it’s done:

  • Consultation: First, you’ll have a chat with a hair doctor to see if a transplant is right for you.
  • Preparation: The doctor gets the area with thinning or no hair ready for the transplant.
  • Harvesting: Hair follicles are taken from the “donor area,” usually the back or sides of your head.
  • Transplanting: These hair follicles are then placed into the spots where you’re missing hair.
  • Healing: Your scalp needs some time to heal. You’ll see tiny scabs form where the hair was placed, but these go away.
  • Growth: Over the next few months, the transplanted hair will fall out, then new hair grows in.
  • Results: You’ll see fuller hair in about 6 to 12 months. Your doctor will check on your progress to make sure everything’s going well.

The process is pretty simple, but it needs a skilled doctor to get it done right. And remember, it takes some patience to see the full benefits.


Following a hair transplant, here’s what the aftercare generally involves:

  • Avoid touching, scratching, or picking at the transplanted area to prevent infection and dislodging the grafts.
  • Follow your surgeon’s instructions on how and when to wash your hair. Gentle washing with mild shampoos is usually advised.
  • Medication may be prescribed to manage pain or prevent infection; take them as directed.
  • Avoid strenuous activities and exercise for at least a week to prevent sweating and strain on the grafts.
  • Sleep in an upright position to reduce swelling and avoid pressure on the transplanted area.
  • Avoid direct sunlight on the scalp and wearing hats or other headwear unless approved by your surgeon.
  • Stay hydrated and maintain a balanced diet to support healing and hair growth.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol as they can interfere with the healing process.
  • Attend follow-up appointments to allow your surgeon to monitor the healing and growth process.
  • Be patient as the transplanted hair may shed initially, but new hair should start growing within a few months.
  • Avoid using hair styling products or dyeing your hair for the first few weeks or until your surgeon gives the green light.
  • Keep the scalp moisturized if instructed by your surgeon, using only the products recommended.


The results of a hair transplant can be significant, but they may vary from person to person. Here are the typical outcomes you might expect:

  1. Initial Shedding: After the procedure, the transplanted hair may shed over the first few weeks. This is a normal part of the process.
  2. New Growth: Around three to four months post-procedure, new hair begins to grow from the transplanted follicles.
  3. Visible Improvement: By six to nine months, a noticeable improvement in hair coverage and density is often seen.
  4. Full Growth: Full growth and the final result of the transplant are typically visible between 12 to 18 months post-procedure.
  5. Natural Appearance: The transplanted hair should blend seamlessly with the surrounding hair, creating a natural, fuller appearance.
  6. Permanent Results: The transplanted hair is generally permanent, and with proper care, it will continue to grow naturally.
  7. Increased Confidence: Many individuals experience increased self-esteem and confidence with their new, fuller head of hair.
  8. Maintenance: The transplanted hair requires no special maintenance. It can be washed, styled, and cut as you would normally.

It’s essential to have realistic expectations and to remember that the success and results of hair transplants can be influenced by factors like the skill of the surgeon, the quality of the donor hair, and adherence to post-operative care instructions.

Female Hair Transplant in Turkey

What could go wrong?

While hair transplants are generally safe when performed by experienced and reputable professionals, like any other surgical procedure, they do come with certain risks and potential complications. Here are some of the issues that could arise:

  • Infection: As with any surgical procedure, there’s a risk of infection. Following post-op instructions can help mitigate this risk.
  • Scarring: Scarring can occur in both the donor and recipient areas, although modern techniques have significantly reduced this risk.
  • Unnatural Appearance: If the procedure is not done correctly, the transplanted hair may look unnatural.
  • Poor Growth: Sometimes, the transplanted hair doesn’t grow as well as expected.
  • Folliculitis: This is an inflammation or infection of the hair follicles that can cause redness, swelling, and soreness.
  • Shock Loss: This is temporary hair loss near the transplant areas due to the trauma the scalp experiences during the procedure.
  • Allergic Reaction: There could be allergic reactions to local anesthesia or other substances used during or after the procedure.
  • Bleeding: Excessive bleeding is a rare but potential complication, especially in individuals with clotting disorders.
  • Chronic Pain: Some patients may experience chronic pain in the areas of extraction or transplantation, although this is rare.
  • Unsatisfactory Results: Sometimes, the results may not meet the expectations of the patient.
  • Cost: The financial burden could be a downside if the procedure needs to be repeated.
  • Emotional Stress: Disappointment with the results, especially if expectations are unrealistic, can lead to emotional distress.

It’s crucial to choose a highly skilled and experienced surgeon, understand the potential risks, and have realistic expectations to minimize the chances of experiencing these problems. It’s also advisable to follow all pre-operative and post-operative instructions carefully to promote a successful outcome and reduce the risk of complications.

What should I do if there is a problem?

  • Call Your Surgeon
  • Go to Follow-Ups
  • Get a Second Opinion
  • Keep Records
  • Follow Instructions
  • Avoid Self-Treatment
  • Stay Informed
  • Eat Well and Rest
  • Stay Calm

How Is Female Hair Loss Different To Male Hair Loss?

Female and male hair loss differ in several ways including the patterns, causes, and how they are perceived socially. Here are some distinctions:


  • Male Pattern Baldness (MPB): Men often experience a receding hairline and balding at the crown.
  • Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL): Women generally experience thinning hair on the top and sides of the scalp rather than a receding hairline or total baldness.


Both genders can experience hair loss due to genetics, hormones, stress, or medical conditions. However, women may also face hair loss issues related to hormonal changes such as pregnancy, menopause, or PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).


Hair loss is more openly discussed and accepted in men, whereas it can be a more sensitive or stigmatized issue for women.


Diagnosis may be straightforward in males, but in females, it might require a more thorough examination to ascertain the underlying cause due to the broader range of potential triggers.


Treatment approaches can be similar, but the social and emotional support needed may differ. Women might need different counseling or support networks.

Hair Transplant:

The approach to hair transplantation can differ due to the different patterns of hair loss. The design of the hairline and the areas to be filled may require different strategies between males and females.

These differences highlight the importance of personalized treatment and consultation with healthcare professionals who specialize in hair loss to obtain accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans.


Is hair transplant successful in females?

Yes, hair transplants can be successful in females.

Will I experience further hair loss?

It’s possible. Hair transplant does not stop natural hair loss progression. Other hairs not transplanted may continue to thin over time. It’s advisable to consult with a hair transplant surgeon for personalized advice regarding future hair loss and treatment options.

Do female hair transplants hurt?

Generally, female hair transplants involve local anesthesia, so the procedure itself is usually pain-free. However, some discomfort or soreness might be experienced in the days following the procedure. Pain levels vary from person to person.

How long does a female hair transplant procedure last?

The duration of a female hair transplant procedure can vary depending on several factors including the technique being used and the number of grafts being transplanted. Typically, the procedure can last anywhere from 4 to 8 hours.