Hair Loss due to iron Deficiency

Have you been experiencing excessive hair loss for months? Are you looking in a mirror and realize that your hair is becoming dull and damaged? Or have you noticed some extra hair strands on your brush or pillow? Whatever the case might be but looking at large strands of your hair fall, is a very stressful thing.

Hair loss can be due to multiple reasons, one of the most common reasons for hair loss is iron deficiency. This is more common in females. When we take an insufficient amount of iron in our diet it can affect hair growth. This condition affects 20 percent of healthy women and 3 percent of men.

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Ferritin and hair loss

Ferritin is a protein found in our blood, it can store iron that is needed by your body. Low ferritin levels indicate iron deficiency. It can occur if your diet does not contain an adequate amount of iron. It may occur due to excessive blood loss, celiac disease, hypothyroidism, and pregnancy. If you have low levels of ferritin in the body you may experience hair loss. Having a ferritin test can help you to find out whether you are ferritin deficient or not. Some amount of ferritin protein is stored in follicles, so it is often thought that ferritin loss occurs when someone loses their hair. So whenever your body needs iron it borrows ferritin from your hair follicles and other body parts that are less important to the body in an injury or illness

Treating iron deficiency hair loss

Unlike hormonal hair loss, the hair you lose due to iron deficiency is always recoverable. It’s a temporary hair loss that can be treated by maintaining your diet and treating digestive problems that do not allow your body to absorb and use iron properly inside your body. It is always possible to grow your lost hair again and get your previous hairline back. For this, you will have to consume foods rich in iron, some common examples of such foods are red meat, salmon, whole eggs, and shellfish. An adequate amount of iron also occurs in nuts, seeds, legumes, and leafy green vegetables such as spinach.

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If the iron deficiency is due to any kind of disease that prevents you from digesting food and absorbing iron properly, then your physician will most probably treat the underlying healthcare problem before treating your hair loss. He might recommend you some medications and supplements to restore your hairline. Try to avoid hair dyes, curling irons, and chemical hairsprays when you are having treatment for iron deficiency hair loss. Using these products can slow down your recovery.

Make sure that you use a good shampoo recommended by your doctor to wash your hair and use a soft brush to brush your hair. Good medication and iron sufficient diet needs some time to regrow your lost hair. So the most important thing is to remain patient, in these conditions because it can take some time, it can take even a few months to regrow the hair loss due to iron deficiency.