Pros and Cons of Hair Transplant

Pros and Cons of Hair Transplant is a hot topic for many considering this step. This process can give you a full head of hair, boosting your confidence greatly. But, it’s not all good news. It can be quite pricey, and not without some risks. Sometimes, the results might not be what” you hoped for. It’s vital to think about both the good and bad points before making your choice. It helps you figure out if it’s the right move for you.

Deciding on a hair transplant is a big step. Let’s talk about the good and the not-so-good sides of it.

The Upsides

  1. Look You Desire: A hair transplant can give you the fuller hair look you’ve been dreaming of. It uses your own hair, so it looks natural.
  2. Long-Lasting Results: One great thing about this procedure is that it offers results that stand the test of time. You enjoy fuller hair for years.
  3. Boosted Confidence: For many, having a full head of hair brings back confidence. It can make you feel great about how you look.

The Downsides

  1. Costly: This procedure can be pretty heavy on the pocket. It might not fit into everyone’s budget.
  2. Surgical Risks: Like any surgery, it has some risks. These could include infections or scars.
  3. Varied Results: Sometimes, the outcome might not be what you expected. It can vary greatly between individuals.
  4. Recovery Time: After the surgery, your scalp needs time to heal. You might have to take a break from your daily routine for a while.


In conclusion, a hair transplant can offer you the chance to enjoy a fuller head of hair. However, it comes with some downsides like high costs and surgical risks. Before deciding, weigh the pros and cons carefully.

Hair Transplantation in Turkey - Zty Hair Transplant Istanbul

Turkey’s Hair Transplant

Hair surgical procedure has been an approved procedure for 20 years in Turkey.

The baldness problem can weaken peers and create different mental health issues. The decline of personality that starts with shyness and social anxiety symptoms can lead to other problems with interaction and can negatively affect any person’s life.

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What is hair transplant surgery?

Hair transplant surgery is a medical procedure where a doctor moves hair follicles from one part of your body to an area with thin or no hair, usually on your scalp. This surgery is popular among people experiencing hair loss or balding.

During the procedure, the surgeon takes hair follicles from a part of your body where you have more hair, commonly referred to as the “donor site,” usually the back or sides of your head. They then transplant these follicles to the bald or thinning areas on your scalp, known as the “recipient site.”

This procedure can help fill areas with thin or no hair, and the results can be permanent, giving a more natural appearance compared to wigs or hairpieces. It might take several sessions to achieve the desired results, and you may experience minor swelling or bruising temporarily after the surgery.

Remember, it’s always best to consult with a specialist to understand all aspects of the procedure and whether it is the right choice for you.

Do hair transplants ever go wrong?

Yes, like any surgical procedure, hair transplants can sometimes not go as planned. Here are a few things that might go wrong:

  • Infection: Though rare, infections can occur post-surgery. It’s important to follow care instructions to avoid this.
  • Scarring: Sometimes, the areas where hair follicles are harvested or transplanted can develop scars.
  • Unnatural Appearance: If not done well, the transplant can result in an unnatural look with uneven hairlines or patchy spots.
  • Follicle Death: The newly transplanted follicles may not always take root and grow as expected. Sometimes they can die, leading to failed growth.
  • Bleeding: Excessive bleeding can be a complication if the surgical sites do not heal as they should.
  • Swelling or Bruising: It’s quite common to experience some swelling or bruising after the surgery, which usually subsides in a week or so.
  • Shock Loss: This is a condition where the transplanted hair falls out suddenly, usually a few weeks after the surgery. Fortunately, this is typically temporary, and the hair grows back.
  • Adverse Reactions to Anesthesia: Like with any surgery, there can be adverse reactions to the anesthesia used during the procedure.

You can visit our Instagram page for more before and after photos and patient videos about hair transplantation.

Creation: 17.02.2021 Update: 15.09.2023